Potsdamer Tanztage 2025: Dance in Urban Space

15.05.2025 17:00 - 23.05.2025 17:00
Potsdamer Tanztage 2025: Dance in Urban Space | © TMB

Felipe Fizkal, ZINADA, 101 concrete, Johanna Jörns, Vera Shchelkina, Zsombor Szabo The Dance in Urban Space series presents seven short pieces, which are shown free of charge at various locations in Potsdam. The performances combine acrobatics, urban movement art and contemporary dance with the urban environment. Whether a tennis table as a stage for dynamic interaction in Entre Deux, the playful exploration of group dynamics in U:RI - 우리 (We/us) or a homage to Latin American cumbia in Presence - An Echo from the South of the World - these pieces transform the urban space into a lively, interactive stage.